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Table 3 Themes and subthemes with illustrative quotations

From: Perceptions and experiences of Latinx parents with language barriers in a pediatric emergency department: a qualitative study

Themes and Subthemes, With Illustrative Quotations

Theme or Subtheme

Illustrative Quotation



“But that was just the fever but the thing I was worried the most about was his chest”


“Oh, I was worried about my little girl dying of the disease, so I wanted to get her to the emergency room quickly”

 Confidence in one’s ability

“When he was home I couldn’t give him anything because if I gave him something I thought I could make things worse. I couldn’t give him just anything.”


 Communication during visit (intake, history)

“They examined him and they told me that he was very sick so they gave him oxygen and they told me that the doctor would come to examine him and tell me if he was going to be hospitalized or not. Half an hour later the doctor came and he told us that he needed to stay”


“Yes, they explained how everything was going to be done and I was ok with that”

 Method of Communication

“Yes, having the in-person interpreter over there was better”

“I felt comfortable because they had a face-to-face interpreter”

 Understanding of diagnosis/Treatment plan

“I don’t speak English, I speak Spanish. I did understand everything. They had a, what’s it called? A translator, an interpreter. Something like that. “

System Burden

 Community resources

“Yeah, he has a social worker”

 Familiarity with healthcare system

“So, it’s very different. I have been living here for like 2 years but the way they treat you here is very different compared to the way they treat you over there when you come to the emergency room with a child. In Puerto Rico, they would run a CBC test, and they would run lab tests, and ultrasound. And that’s not how it is here”

 Navigating the System

“I haven’t found a way to get into health insurance”


“Yes, she’s going to a clinic, well I take her to a clinic called Price Hill. It’s about 5 minutes from here”

“We have to ask a guy to give a us a ride every day. We just call and they come take us”

 Family member

“My sister-in-law told the girl to find a girl who spoke English so I could explain things to her”

Emotional Support


“Thanks to God, everything was going good”

“I’m just grateful for everything they did”

 Physician’s authority

“I did expect something else, but I was fine with it, they’re the doctors, of course”


“They did everything my baby needed”

“I felt confident in my doctors and they took away that doubt and that anguish”