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Table 3 DTRPs identified and resolved by pharmacists in a 23-year-old SP with a prescription

From: Drug therapy-related problem management in Nigeria community pharmacy – process evaluation with simulated patient

Classification and types of DTRPs


n (%)

Not identified

n (%)

Dosage too high (Prescribed dose too high)

 Fluconazole 150 mg instead of 50 mg daily or 150 mg weekly for Tinea pedis

28 (77.8)

8 (22.2)

Dosage too high (Duration of treatment too long)

 Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily for 3 weeks instead of 500 mg twice daily for 7- days for the treatment of pleurisy

25 (69.4)

11 (30.6)

Dosage too low (Drug interaction)

 Omeprazole + ferrous gluconate (omeprazole decreases the level or effect of ferrous gluconate)a

4 (11.1)

32 (88.9)

Action taken to investigate DTRPs

Action taken

n (%)

Action not taken

n (%)

 Checked for drug interactions

0 (0.0)

36 (100.0)

 Inquire or make clarification from the prescriber

24 (66.7)

12 (33.3)

Recommendations made to resolve the DTRPs

Recommendation made

n (%)

Recommendation not made

n (%)

 Recommended that prescriber reduce the duration of therapy of ciprofloxacin tablets for pleurisy to 7 days.

23 (63.9)

13 (36.1)

 Recommended the reduction of fluconazole dosage to 50 mg daily.

22 (61.1)

14 (38.9)

  1. DTRPs Drug therapy-related problems, n number of pharmacists, aSerious - Avoid or Use alternative, SP simulated patient.