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Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A20
Quality and payment: the U.S. experience of typing inpatient and outpatient casemix payments to quality measures and reporting
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A19 -
Using administrative data for research: the importance of appropriate statistical techniques
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A17 -
Using the ACG® casemix system in population health management programs at Johns Hopkins
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A16 -
Seven modes of healthcare operations - a tool for casemix analysis?
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A15 -
Extraordinary disease burden: an analysis of multi-morbidity
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A13 -
Institutional structures and processes of care associated with the length of hospital stay in elderly patients with hip fractures
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A9 -
Facilitating equity and efficiency in Malaysian primary health care through the application of the ACG® case mix system
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A7 -
Using pharmacy information in a decision support system to improve efficient delivery of primary health care. A study focusing on the Swedish national drug register
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A6 -
The role of diagnosis related groups (DRGs) in healthcare system convergence
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A5 -
Implementation of a complexity classification system for inpatient rehabilitation facilities for financing purposes - comparing scales
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9(Suppl 1):A3 -
The Prostate Care Questionnaire for Patients (PCQ-P): Reliability, validity and acceptability
In England, prostate cancer patients report worse experience of care than patients with other cancers. However, no standard measure of patient experience of prostate cancer care is currently available. This pa...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:199 -
The impact of statins on health services utilization and mortality in older adults discharged from hospital with ischemic heart disease: a cohort study
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) carries a high burden of morbidity and mortality and is associated with significant utilization of health care resources, especially in the elderly. Numerous randomized trials have...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:198 -
The case for developing publicly-accessible datasets for health services research in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
The existence of publicly-accessible datasets comprised a significant opportunity for health services research to evolve into a science that supports health policy making and evaluation, proper inter- and intr...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:197 -
Delay in Tuberculosis case detection in Pwani region, Tanzania. a cross sectional study
Delay in Tuberculosis (TB) case detection may worsen the disease and increase TB transmission. It is also a challenge to the National TB and Leprosy control Program (NTLP).
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:196 -
An effectiveness analysis of healthcare systems using a systems theoretic approach
The use of accreditation and quality measurement and reporting to improve healthcare quality and patient safety has been widespread across many countries. A review of the literature reveals no association betw...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:195 -
Characteristics of national registries for occupational diseases: international development and validation of an audit tool (ODIT)
The aim of the study was to develop quality indicators that can be used for quality assessment of registries of occupational diseases in relation to preventive policy on a national level. The research question...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:194 -
A cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of culturally-appropriate hypertension education among Afro-Surinamese and Ghanaian patients in Dutch general practice: study protocol
Individuals of African descent living in western countries have increased rates of hypertension and hypertension-related complications. Poor adherence to hypertension treatment (medication and lifestyle change...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:193 -
Potential impact of task-shifting on costs of antiretroviral therapy and physician supply in Uganda
Lower-income countries face severe health worker shortages. Recent evidence suggests that this problem can be mitigated by task-shifting--delegation of aspects of health care to less specialized health workers...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:192 -
"It depends on what you mean": a qualitative study of Swedish health professionals' views on health and health promotion
The role of health services must be re-oriented towards health promotion to more effectively contribute to population health. One of the objectives of the Swedish public health policy is that health promotion ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:191 -
Distribution and determinants of patient satisfaction in oncology with a focus on health related quality of life
Cancer patients usually undergo extensive and debilitating treatments, which make quality of life (QoL) and patient satisfaction important health care assessment measures. However, very few studies have evalua...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:190 -
Patient delay in cancer studies: a discussion of methods and measures
There is no validated way of measuring the prevalence and duration of patient delay, and we do not know how people perceive and define the time intervals they are asked to report in patient delay studies. This...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:189 -
Collaborative Depression Trial (CADET): multi-centre randomised controlled trial of collaborative care for depression - study protocol
Comprising of both organisational and patient level components, collaborative care is a potentially powerful intervention for improving depression treatment in UK primary Care. However, as previous models have...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:188 -
Overcoming language barriers with foreign-language speaking patients: a survey to investigate intra-hospital variation in attitudes and practices
Use of available interpreter services by hospital clincial staff is often suboptimal, despite evidence that trained interpreters contribute to quality of care and patient safety. Examination of intra-hospital ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:187 -
Quality of care and 30 day mortality among patients with hip fractures: a nationwide cohort study
We examined the association between quality of care and 30 day mortality in a nationwide cohort of patients hospitalized with hip fracture.
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:186 -
Are U.S. cancer screening test patterns consistent with guideline recommendations with respect to the age of screening initiation?
U.S. cancer screening guidelines communicate important information regarding the ages for which screening tests are appropriate. Little attention has been given to whether breast, colorectal and prostate cance...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:185 -
Realising the potential of the family history in risk assessment and primary prevention of coronary heart disease in primary care: ADDFAM study protocol
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the developed world, and its prevention a core activity in current UK general practice. Currently, family history is not systematically integrated ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:184 -
Can we import quality tools? a feasibility study of European practice assessment in a country with less organised general practice
Quality is on the agenda of European general practice (GP). European researchers have, in collaboration, developed tools to assess quality of GPs. In this feasibility study, we tested the European Practice Ass...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:183 -
Economic hardship associated with managing chronic illness: a qualitative inquiry
Chronic illness and disability can have damaging, even catastrophic, socioeconomic effects on individuals and their households. We examined the experiences of people affected by chronic heart failure, complica...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:182 -
Community health needs assessment with precede-proceed model: a mixed methods study
Community health services in China have developed over the last few decades. In order to use limited health resources more effectively, we conducted a community health needs assessment. This aimed to provide a...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:181 -
Estimation of physician supply by specialty and the distribution impact of increasing female physicians in Japan
Japan has experienced two large changes which affect the supply and distribution of physicians. They are increases in medical school enrollment capacity and in the proportion of female physicians. The purpose ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:180 -
Interdisciplinary diabetes care teams operating on the interface between primary and specialty care are associated with improved outcomes of care: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex, progressive disease which requires a variety of quality improvement strategies. Limited information is available on the feasibility and effectiveness of interdisciplinary...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:179 -
An evaluation of the appropriateness of advice and healthcare contacts made following calls to NHS Direct Wales
An evaluation of NHS Direct Wales (NHSDW), a national telephone-based healthcare advice and information service, was undertaken. A key objective was to describe the actions of callers and assess the appropriat...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:178 -
The use of evidence in public governmental reports on health policy: an analysis of 17 Norwegian official reports (NOU)
Governments increasingly require policy documents to be evidence-based. This paper analyses the use of scientific evidence in such documents by reviewing reports from government-appointed committees in Norway ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:177 -
The prisoner as patient - a health services satisfaction survey
There is evidence for higher morbidity among prison inmates than in the general population. Despite this, patient satisfaction with the prison health services is scarcely investigated. The aim of the present s...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:176 -
Quantitative data management in quality improvement collaboratives
Collaborative approaches in quality improvement have been promoted since the introduction of the Breakthrough method. The effectiveness of this method is inconclusive and further independent evaluation of the ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:175 -
An ecological study on the relationship between supply of beds in long-term care institutions in Italy and potential care needs for the elderly
The ageing population in Europe is putting an ever increasing demand on the long-term care (LTC) services provided by these countries. This study analyses the relationship between the LTC institutional supply ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:174 -
Introducing the national COPD resources and outcomes project
We report baseline data on the organisation of COPD care in UK NHS hospitals participating in the National COPD Resources and Outcomes Project (NCROP).
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:173 -
Long-term care cost drivers and expenditure projection to 2036 in Hong Kong
Hong Kong's rapidly ageing population, characterised by one of the longest life expectancies and the lowest fertility rate in the world, is likely to drive long-term care (LTC) expenditure higher. This study a...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:172 -
Development and validation of the Accommodation and Enabling Scale for Eating Disorders (AESED) for caregivers in eating disorders
Families of people with eating disorders are often caught up in rule bound eating and safety behaviours that characterise the illness. The main aim of this study was to develop a valid and specific scale to me...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:171 -
Identifying primary care patients at risk for future diabetes and cardiovascular disease using electronic health records
Prevention of diabetes and coronary heart disease (CHD) is possible but identification of at-risk patients for targeting interventions is a challenge in primary care.
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:170 -
Adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment among pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a qualitative and quantitative study
Tuberculosis (TB) patients have difficulty following a long-term treatment regimen. Efforts to improve treatment outcomes require better understanding of adherence as a complex behavioral issue and of the part...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:169 -
How risky is caring for emergency patients at risk of malpractice litigation: a population based epidemiological study of Taiwan's experiences
Emergency medicine has generally been considered a high risk specialty. The purpose of this study is to assess the risk of being sued in the district courts for caring emergency room (ER) patients from the per...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:168 -
Dutch healthcare reform: did it result in performance improvement of health plans? A comparison of consumer experiences over time
Many countries have introduced elements of managed competition in their healthcare system with the aim to accomplish more efficient and demand-driven health care. Simultaneously, generating and reporting of co...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:167 -
Physician career satisfaction within specialties
Specialty-specific data on career satisfaction may be useful for understanding physician workforce trends and for counseling medical students about career options.
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:166 -
Identifying research priorities for health care priority setting: a collaborative effort between managers and researchers
To date there has been relatively little published about how research priorities are set, and even less about methods by which decision-makers can be engaged in defining a relevant and appropriate research age...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:165 -
Identifying important motivational factors for professionals in Greek hospitals
The purpose of this study was to identify important motivational factors according to the views of health-care professionals in Greek hospitals and particularly to determine if these might differ in the public...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:164 -
Bridging the care continuum: patient information needs for specialist referrals
Information transfer is critical in the primary care to specialist referral process and has been examined extensively in the US and other countries, yet there has been little attention to the patient's perspec...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:163 -
The development, design, testing, refinement, simulation and application of an evaluation framework for communities of practice and social-professional networks
Communities of practice and social-professional networks are generally considered to enhance workplace experience and enable organizational success. However, despite the remarkable growth in interest in the ro...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:162 -
Response rates in postal surveys of healthcare professionals between 1996 and 2005: An observational study
Postal surveys are a frequently used method of data collection in health services research. Low response rates increase the potential for bias and threaten study validity. The objectives of this study were to ...
Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2009 9:160