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  1. Why waiting lists arise and how to address them remains unclear, and an improved understanding of these waiting list "dynamics" could lead to better management. The purpose of this study is to understand how t...

    Authors: David P D'Souza, Douglas K Martin, Laura Purdy, Andrea Bezjak and Peter A Singer
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2001 1:3
  2. Total US population estimates of complications of medical care have relied on extrapolations of state-specific estimates. Generalizability is suspect because findings are limited by geographical location or ti...

    Authors: Elmer V Villanueva and Jeremy N Anderson
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2001 1:2
  3. Stroke patients' care in hospital tends to be poorly organised, with poor communication and a lack of information being frequent sources of complaint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a patien...

    Authors: Mulunish Ayana, Pandora Pound, Fiona Lampe and Shah Ebrahim
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2001 1:1