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Table 2 Actions within the Trauma-Informed Healthcare Leadership framework, per relationship level

From: Trauma-Informed Healthcare Leadership? Evidence and opportunities from interviews with leaders during COVID-19

One-on One Leadership

 Checking on wellness and creating personal touch points (Mutual Support, Empowerment)

 Providing opportunities for emotional processing in a way that best supports the individual in that moment (i.e. exercise, talking through emotions, rest) (Mutual Support, Safety)

 Listening completely without judgement (Safety, Mutual support)

Team Participation and Leadership

 Identifying common goals ahead of time, while recognizing goals might change (Mutual Support)

 Acknowledging that different people will experience highs and lows at different times; leverage the highs (Mutual Support)

 Creating pathways for teams to communicate positives to uplift the team (Mutual Support)

 Ensuring that actions leaders ask teams to do are ones they would be willing to do themselves; leading by example (Trust and Transparency, Safety)

 In times of crisis, instituting more checkpoints and detailed pathways for communication (Trust and Transparency, Safety)

 Meeting with teams frequently to disseminate information (Trust and Transparency)

 Naming challenges inside and outside the system (Oppression, Safety)

 Training to support middle managers (Mutual Support)

System Level

 Adopting a mechanism to surface complaints that is not retaliatory (Trust and Transparency, Safety)

 Building an inclusive culture through a reparative approach such as the Healing ARC (accountability, redress, closure) framework or restorative justice circles (Culture, Gender and Oppression)