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Table 3 Examples from the analytical process

From: Asking about violence and abuse among patients experiencing homelessness: a focus group study with healthcare professionals





Do you have dentures? Yes, I lost a prosthetic. Have you been subjected to violence? Well… it kind of creates a disharmony in the conversation, I think.

Concerns about disrupting the encounter

Hesitance to address violence and abuse

Addressing violence and abuse is at risk of falling through the cracks

[Healthcare professionals] who have had that perception, you know, that it doesn’t matter if she has been raped, she is a prostitute so it’s like… it won’t make a difference anyway…

Normalisation of violence and abuse

The complex dynamics of violence and abuse in homelessness

And I wish that in Stockholm County, there was a unified approach within social services regarding the implementation of the Social Services Act, rather than each municipality making its own interpretation. Because that makes it impossible for healthcare to have a good collaboration with all municipalities since everyone works in such different ways. That would be a wish.

Lack of coordination and cooperation

Challenges in addressing violence and abuse amidst competing priorities and collaborative efforts