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Table 3 Median rank and interquartile range for the minimum viable set of quality indicators for cancer supportive care (n = 34)

From: Development of consensus quality indicators for cancer supportive care: a Delphi study and pilot testing

Quality Indicator


Median rank


The organisation has a documented process to ensure individuals have opportunity for discussion of their supportive care needs at any stage along their illness or treatment continuum

Communication and Training

3 (1, 6)

The organisation undertakes supportive care screening


3 (1, 7)

The organisation has processes in place for referring patients to access supportive care services if a need is identified


5 (2, 10)

The organisation has a documented process that sets out what supportive care screening tool should be used for all patients across the organisation


6 (4, 11)

The organisation has formal processes in place to guide information-sharing, discussion, and education about supportive care available for staff, patients, and family carers

Communication and Training

7 (3, 10)

The organisation has a documented process that sets an expectation that patients and families feel able to ask about supportive care needs

Communication and Training

8 (3, 12)

The organisation has a documented process for internal referral of patients for unmet needs


8 (4, 13)

The organisation has a documented process for how supportive care data are to be used to identify patients at risk of high unmet need

Data Management

9 (5, 12)

The organisation has a documented process for how supportive care information is recorded in the patient’s medical record

Data Management

9 (7, 12)

The organisation has cultural competency training available for all staff

Culturally Safe and Accessible Supportive Care

10 (8, 14)

The organisation has a documented process to ensure information is available in other languages or in different format for low literacy readers

Culturally Safe and Accessible Supportive Care

10 (8, 14)

The organisation has a documented process to ensure cultural sensitivity

Culturally Safe and Accessible Supportive Care

11 (6, 13)

The organisation has a documented process for recording referrals made


11 (7, 13)

The organisation has a documented process to ensure interpreters are available if needed

Culturally Safe and Accessible Supportive Care

11 (7, 14)

The organisation has a documented process that requires relevant staff undertake supportive care training

Communication and Training

11 (8, 14)

The organisation has a documented process for how supportive care data are collected (face to face/electronic)


12 (8, 15)

  1. aIQR interquartile range