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Table 4 The themes, subthemes, and codes

From: Exploring homecare leaders’ risk perception and the link to resilience and adaptive capacity: a multiple case study






Risk and quality are conceptualized as integral to professional work

Making sense of necessary healthcare despite a lack of definition

Necessary healthcare as the core task

The clinical gaze

Making room for the staff’s professional assessments

Sharing information and discussing



Perceiving and assessing risk imply discussing and consulting each other– no one can do it alone.

Work-as-imagined– Planning the work but preparing for deviations

Assignment and work list as logistics and planning tool

Work-as-done– Continuous adaptation in practice

Flexibility in the service and the work list

Information flow, individual and joint sensemaking, and decisions

Weighing risk and patient-centredness

The care receiver’s free will and integrity

High-quality care and working environment


Leaders keep calm and look beyond the budget and quality measures by maneuvering within and around the system.

Making sense of the protocols

The financial model

The reporting system

Regulations, legislations, and national guidelines

Defining leadership

Taking care of the staff

Dealing with the context