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Table 1 Specific content and measures of community-embedded follow-up intervention

From: Community-embedded follow-up management intervention for geriatric primary care: a mixed-methods study of an integrated health services model


Specific measures

Dietary Modifications

A balanced diet rich in calcium, low in salt, and moderate in protein, avoiding irregularity.

Quit smoking

Restrictions on alcohol consumption

Avoid excessive consumption of coffee and carbonated beverages.

Exercise instruction

Appropriate outdoor activities (regular muscle strength exercises) and sun exposure, such as walking and other low-intensity exercise (tai chi, dance, table tennis).

Health Education

Personal health coaching, 30 min, 2 times/week;

Intensive health education, 120 min, 1 time/month

Medical treatment and medication

Daily diagnosis and monitoring of chronic diseases and other basic diseases;

Bone Density Health Status Scale - International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Minute Test of Osteoporosis Risk, every three months;

Medication for the underlying disease and/or combination of osteoporosis symptomatic drugs: calcium, vitamin D, etc.

Psychological support care

Encourage social interaction activities, such as peer education, 1 time/week;

Telephone and home follow-up visits, 2 times/week