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Table 5 Techniques for digital clinical empathy in written environments

From: Digital clinical empathy in a live chat: multiple findings from a formative qualitative study and usability tests



Engage genuinely

Ensure genuine engagement, particularly by addressing the user by their chosen name and avoiding formulaic responses

Respond timely

Prioritize swift replies to convey attentiveness and acknowledgment of the user’s concerns

Recognize and respect boundaries

Acknowledge the user’s preferred level of anonymity and respect their choice to withhold certain information

Be transparent

If in-depth questions or further research are necessary, explain the reason behind longer waiting times or many questions

Acknowledge user’s emotions

Recognize and communicate back the user’s feelings and emotions

Utilize adaptive communication techniques

Be flexible in communication style, adapting to the user’s tone and preference

Provide proactive support

Recommend or suggest additional services, anticipating patient needs beyond their immediate inquiries

Encourage future engagement

Invite users to return for further assistance or questions in the future, fostering a sense of ongoing support and accessibility