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Table 1 The intervention: an overview of the intervention of person-centred structures

From: Evaluating a targeted person-centred pain management intervention programme in lumbar spine surgery - a controlled segment-specific before-and-after interventional design

Structural change

Explanation of change process

RN admission interview with the patient about their pain

(Start February 2019)

Pre-intervention, two workshops (WS) on PCC with RNs in the outpatient clinic. Subsequently, RNs employed after WSs received information and training as part of their general training.

The novel routine: The RN obtained the patient’s narrative during the pre-admission visit. The narrative was documented in a care plan. A tentative PCC plan was written by the RN. The care plan was finalized and updated with the patient at admission to the ward.

Care plan with focus on pain and pain management (Start February 2019)

A flowchart was developed by RNs in the expert group. Information about the use of the care plan was communicated to all staff working in close patient care.

The novel routine: Continuous documentation of pain and pain management in the care plan.

Ward round routine with explicit roles

(Start October 2018)

The routine was established by consensus in the expert group and then agreed to by relevant first-line managers.

The novel routine: Checklist and timing for the ward round. All professions represented in the ward round. Physician leading the round; RN summarizing pain issues addressed in the care plan.

Written patient discharge summary

(Start November 2018)

Routines for templates for different surgical interventions were established by a group of physicians.

The novel routine: Ward medical secretaries were assigned to enter the template in patients’ records. At discharge, the physician adjusts the summary for each patient.