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Table 2 Level of compliance with ‘Clinical management’ and ‘Capacity building’ self-assessment questions

From: Preparing healthcare facilities in sub-Saharan Africa for future outbreaks: insights from a multi-country digital self-assessment of COVID-19 preparedness

SafeCare4Covid self-assessment questionsa (n = 471)

Number of facilities per level of compliance, n (%)





Clinical Management (10/31 questions)

 Do you have an emergency response plan for COVID-19?

103 (22%)

245 (52%)

123 (26%)

 Do you have a guideline on how to triage and isolate (suspected) COVID-19 patients and is it implemented?

89 (19%)

201 (43%)

163 (35%)

18 (4%)

 Do you have guidelines that describes how to manage COVID-19 suspected patients?

106 (23%)

158 (34%)

207 (44%)

 Do you have guidelines on how to treat and manage critically ill COVID-19 patients (including those requiring ventilation)?

119 (25%)

100 (21%)

75 (16%)

177 (38%)

 Does the facility have a contact tracing form for the suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases?

257 (55%)

64 (14%)

150 (32%)

 Do you have a risk communication and community engagement strategy?

193 (41%)

165 (35%)

113 (24%)

 Are instructions (e.g. posters, guidelines, checklists) about COVID-19 symptoms and prevention clearly displayed to healthcare workers, patients and visitors?

41 (9%)

143 (30%)

287 (61%)

 Do you have a process for referring COVID-19 suspected and infected patients?

68 (14%)

177 (38%)

226 (48%)

 Do you have a protocol for the collection and referral of laboratory specimens of (suspected) COVID-19 patients?

127 (27%)

64 (14%)

146 (31%)

134 (28%)

 Do you keep informed about (inter) national COVID-19 guidelines?

53 (11%)

203 (43%)

215 (46%)

Capacity building (4/31 questions)

 Do you have a COVID-19 emergency response team and are the roles and responsibilities defined?

111 (24%)

136 (29%)

159 (34%)

65 (14%)

 Are all staff trained on guidelines for triaging and management of COVID-19?

136 (29%)

191 (41%)

144 (31%)

 Are there policies and procedures for monitoring and managing healthcare professionals and support staff for COVID-19 infection?

162 (34%)

187 (40%)

122 (26%)

 Is there mental support (counsellor) for healthcare workers (HCW) and support staff taking care of the COVID-19 patients?

274 (58%)

110 (23%)

87 (18%)

  1. Abbreviations: FC full compliant, NA non-applicable, NC non-compliant, PC partial compliant
  2. aThe SafeCare4Covid application calculates the capacities score of the facilities in their preparedness against COVID-19 based on the answers to all 31 questions
  3. bFacilities have the option to choose “NA” if they consider a question does not apply to their healthcare centre