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Table 3 Results of the regression analyses with employee-perceived coordination (employees n = 1450; agencies n = 71)

From: How external and agency characteristics are related to coordination in homecare – findings of the national multicenter, cross-sectional SPOTnat study


Coordination regressed only with coordination process variables


Coordination regressed with coordination process & agency characteristic variables


Coordination regressed with coordination process agency characteristic & external factors variables

\( \beta \) [95% CI]


\( \beta \) [95% CI]


\( \beta \) [95% CI]

Coordination Process


Explicit coordination mechanism (Programming & Communication)


Presence of standards / guidelines


0.00 [-0.03; 0.03]


0.01 [-0.03; 0.04]


0.01 [-0.02; 0.04]

Case responsible/managers


-0.03 [-0.09; 0.02]


-0.01 [-0.07; 0.05]


0.00 [-0.06; 0.05]

Exchange vessels


-0.03 [-0.09; 0.02]


-0.03 [-0.08; 0.02]


-0.03 [-0.09; 0.02]

Electronic data sharing with physicians: yes


0.04 [-0.04; 0.12]


0.03 [-0.06; 0.11]


0.03 [-0.06; 0.10]

Communication and information exchange


0.11* [0.07; 0.14]


0.10* [0.06; 0.13]


0.10* [0.06; 0.13]

Implicit coordination mechanism (Cognition)


Knowledge of the health system


-0.09* [-0.12; -0.05]


-0.07* [-0.10; -0.03]


-0.07* [-0.10; -0.03]

Possibility for continuous education


-0.03 [-0.07; 0.01]


-0.02 [-0.05; 0.02]


-0.01 [-0.05; 0.03]

Role clarity


0.10* [0.06; 0.14]


0.08* [0.03; 0.11]


0.07* [0.03; 0.11]

Mutual respect and trust


0.08* [0.04; 0.12]


0.07* [0.03; 0.11]


0.07* [0.03; 0.11]

Accountability, predictability, common perspective


0.21* [0.17; 0.26]


0.19* [0.15; 0.24]


0.19* [0.14; 0.24]

Agency characteristics


Obligation to serve all clients (yes)


-0.14* [-0.26; -0.02]


-0.14 [-0.31; -0.02]

Range of service


 Palliative Care (yes)


-0.02 [-0.15; 0.05]


-0.02 [-0.11; 0.09]

 Oncological care (yes)


-0.01 [-0.09; 0.08]


0.00 [-0.07; 0.09]

 Psychiatric care (yes)


0.03 [-0.10; 0.16]


0.04 [-0.09; 0.16]

 24-hour care service (yes)


0.04 [-0.07; 0.15]


0.04 [-0.09; 0.13]

 Continuous night care (yes)


-0.09 [-0.21; 0.03]


-0.05 [-0.16; 0.05]

Percentage of RNs


0.00 [0.01; 0.00]


0.00 [-0.01; 0.00]

Employment percentage


0.00 [0.00; 0.00]


0.00 [0.00; 0.00]

Experience in agency


0.00 [-0.01; 0.00]


0.00 [-0.00; 0.00]

Perceived staffing


0.05* [0.01; 0.10]


0.06* [0.01; 0.10]

Perceived workload


-0.01* [-0.03; 0.00]


-0.02* [-0.03; -0.01]



-0.05* [-0.08; -0.03]


-0.05* [-0.07; -0.02]

External factors


Reimbursement regulations of residual payments (reference: effective full costs)


 agency-specific and predefined costs


0.10 [-0.01; 0.18]

 standard costs


-0.04 [-0.17; 0.07]



-0.00 [-0.22; 0.23]

Client co-payment (reference: No co-payment)


 maximum of CHF 7.65 a day


-0.06 [-0.18; 0.03]

 up to 20% of HI, with max CHF 15.35/d


-0.08 [-0.20; 0.03]

 direct with max. of CHF 15.35/d


-0.05 [-0.17; 0.09]

Average hours of care per client


0.00 [0.00; 0.00]

Second level variable


Homecare agencies

Agency level (Variance [SD])


0.01 [0.11]


0.01 [0.11]


0.01 [0.10]

Residuals (Variance [SD])


0.24 [0.48]


0.22 [0.47]


0.23 [0.48]

Effect size









Marginal R2







Conditional R2







  1. Note. AIC = Akaike Information Criterion, CHF = Swiss Francs, CI = Confidence Interval, HI = health insurance, RN = Registered nurse, SD = Standard Deviation,
  2. α levels of significance = *p <.05, \( \beta \) = coefficient estimate