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Table 2 Semi-structured interview questions

From: Facilitating and barrier factors to the implementation of a transitional care program: a qualitative study of hospital coordinators in South Korea

Question area

Detailed questions

Business progress and results

Please feel free to explain the process and intervention elements of the CLDP that your institution has carried out thus far.

How were the elements and processes of intervention developed?

Difficulties associated with conducting business

At your institution, which process has not gone as planned (guidelines) thus far in your experience of CLDP?

What could be the reason?

What has been the toughest thing for you in performing the project?

Self-evaluation of business effectiveness

What were the monitoring results and CLDP performance performed by your institution thus far?

What do you think about the factors causing the favorable and unfavorable areas from your self-evaluation?

Do you have any plans to improve the unfavorable areas?

Efforts to improve business

Please introduce any basic research that your institution has conducted that is related to the project.

Apart from the guidelines, what do you think could be necessary as interventions to meet patients’ needs and achieve favorable results?