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Table 5 Unfinished nursing care occurrence in the study using the intensive care unit omitted nursing care instrument [53]

From: Unfinished nursing care in healthcare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review


Vincelette et al. [53]

Mobilization every two hours


Mouth care for intubated patients


Document treatments and procedures


Timely medication administration


Address new prescriptions, consultations


Treatment and adverse effects surveillance


Venous and arterial catheters care and maintenance


Medication-related independent double-check


Haemodynamic and physiologic parameters surveillance


Draw labs following prescription


Communicate preoccupations to the medical team


Neurological signs evaluation


Pain assessment (patient unable to communicate)


Provide respiratory care (e.g. aspiration of secretions)


Sedation adjustment based on prescription (e.g. RASS scale)


Respond quickly to alarms indicating potential instability


Pain assessment (patient able to communicate)


Ensure asepsis in treatments or procedures


Intervene rapidly to glucose levels (e.g. IV insulin therapy)


Cardiac monitoring surveillance


Flag the presence of signs or symptoms of infection


Titrate intravenous perfusions for haemodynamic targets

  1. Legend: **, as first, second and third unfinished activities in order according to the statistical values (1st,2nd,3rd); ••, 4th,5th,6th order; •, 7th,8th,9th order (see Supp. File 6)