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Table 3 Data intensity mapping for key framework components and sub-components

From: Experiences of delivering and receiving mental healthcare in the acute hospital setting: a qualitative study


Service Users


The emergency department (ED)

ED staff are helpful and caring



ED staff are unhelpful and dismissive


** (perception of non-ED staff)

ED environment is stressful



ED environment is not appropriate for people with mental health problems



ED environment could be improved for people with mental health problems



Liaison mental health services (LMHS)

LMHS staff are helping and understanding


*** (perception of non-LMHS staff)

LMHS staff are dismissive



It is difficult to access LMHS


** (perception of non-LMHS staff)

There are ways LMHS could be improved



Core-24 service standard

The one-hour access standard is the maximum time a person with mental health problems should wait in ED



The one-hour access standard prioritises immediacy over clinical need and has unintended consequences for other parts of the liaison service



Policymakers are detached from clinical services which results in poor implementation



Stigma of mental illness

People with mental health problems who attend the ED experience discrimination



There is a mental-physical dichotomy in the acute hospital which prioritises physical health over mental health



  1. –indicates no data present for this sub-component
  2. *Indicates low intensity sub-component
  3. **indicates medium intensity sub-component
  4. ***indicates high intensity sub-component