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Table 3 Dimensions of the RE-AIM framework and relationship to thematic findings and study outcomes*

From: Evaluating a peer-to-peer health education program in Australian public housing communities during the COVID-19 pandemic

RE-AIM framework dimension and key considerations

Application to the thematic analysis

Key theme


into the target population.

Who benefited from the intervention?

Did the program reach the residents?

Did it reach those most in need?

Everyone knows they’re there

By stationing Concierges in residential building foyers, residents frequently encountered Concierges and had ready access to the information Concierges offered.


How favourably did the intervention perform in practice?

Did the program achieve its goals?^

Concierges were great at the start of the pandemic, they don’t do so much now

While the program was valued during the initial rapidly changing public health response, many felt it had failed to evolve in the ‘COVID-normal’ phase. While some residents described having meaningful conversations with Concierges, many interactions described were superficial.

Some felt the true impact of Concierges’ work was underrecognized.


considering target settings, institutions and staff.

To what extent did residents engage with Concierges?

Inconsistent program adoption within communities

Perceptions around whether Concierges helped the community differed considerably. Some residents described feeling little connection with Concierges, while others valued Concierges and considered them part of their community.


considering the consistency and cost of delivering the intervention.

How consistently was the program delivered by Concierges?

Unclear expectations led to variable service

A lack of clarity around what the Concierge role required was a barrier to effective service.

The need to employ people who actually engaged with, and represented, the people they served came up frequently.


of intervention effects over time.

Did the intervention produce desirable outcomes?

How can this be sustained?

To what extent did the program become part of routine practice and maintain effectiveness?

There’s so much more we could do

Many people mentioned an ongoing need for a bicultural information hub in the estates. There was a perception that not continuing the Concierge program was a missed opportunity to deliver health promotion and link residents with services.

  1. *Table adapted from Foreman et al., 2017 [30].
  2. ^Program goals: To share information about COVID-19, public health restrictions, health services, and have Concierges act as community supports [5, 6].