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Table 3 Transcription of a sample dialogue

From: Construction and evaluation of a cloud follow-up platform for gynecological patients receiving chemotherapy

System: Dear gynecological patients receiving chemotherapy, to promptly understand your condition at home and provide guidance and help, can you spend a few minutes on a follow-up survey?

Patient: OK.

System: Have you experienced nausea in the past 24 h?

Patient: Yes.

The system will automatically pop up related sub-questions about nausea.

System: Please select the degree of nausea you have experienced in the past 24 h.

Loss of appetite but not reduced food intake

Reduced food intake without significant weight loss and malnutrition

Eating significantly decreased, and physical weakness appeared

If the patient selected the third case, the system automatically popped up the red words “Please see a doctor as soon as possible.”

System: Have you vomited in the past 24 h?

Patient: No.

If the patient selected no, the system automatically popped up the next question.

System: Have you had constipation in the past week?

Patient: No.

System: Have you had diarrhea in the past 24 h? (stool is thin and more than three times/day)

Patient: No.

System: Have you felt tired and weak in the past 24 h?

Patient: No.

System: Were you satisfied with the quality of your sleep in the last week?

Patient: Yes

System: Have you had limb swelling, pain, numbness, chest tightness, or polypnea in the past 24 h?

Patient: No.

System: Can you correctly do finger exercises and ankle pump exercise training to prevent thrombosis?

Patient: No.

The system automatically popped up the health education video of finger manipulation and ankle pump movement.

After answering all the questions, click submit.

System: Thank you for your cooperation. We have recorded your problem. Please handle it according to the system prompt, keep the phone unobstructed, and we will follow you if necessary.