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Table 1 Summary of measures by action research phase

From: Developing a capacity-building intervention for healthcare workers to improve communication skills and awareness of hard of hearing and D/deaf patients: results from a participatory action research study




Timing of Assessment

Phase 1: Problem Identification

Needs analysis

Qualitative assessment

(one-on-one semi-structured interviews)

Healthcare staff

D/deaf and hard of hearing individuals

Beginning of Phase 1

Healthcare staff

D/deaf and hard of hearing individuals

Beginning of Phase 1

Phase 2: Action Planning

No measure

Phases 3 and 4: Action implementation and Evaluation

Intervention Testing: Round 1

Participants’ reactions: perception of intervention’s content, quality and appropriateness, overall satisfaction

Adapted IMTEE questionnaire1

Qualitative assessment

Healthcare staff receiving intervention 1

After intervention 1

Intervention Testing: Round 2

Participants’ reactions: perception of intervention’s content, quality and appropriateness, overall satisfaction

Adapted IMTEE questionnaire1

Qualitative assessment (semi-structured interviews)

Healthcare staff receiving intervention 2



Changes in participants: perception of self-efficacy

Adapted IMTEE questionnaire2

Qualitative assessment

T0, T1, T24


Organizational payoffs: frequency of use

Adapted IMTEE questionnaire3

Qualitative assessment

T0, T1, T24


  1. Note.
  2. 1Participants were asked to rate their satisfaction regarding the intervention and to evaluate its content, quality, and appropriateness using a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (not satisfied at all/improvement needed) to 5 (completely satisfied/very good)
  3. 2Participants were asked to indicate the extent to which they agree with items using a 5-point Likert-scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree)
  4. 3Regarding frequency of use, participants will be asked to indicate how often over the past 6 months they applied specific strategies, using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (most of the time)
  5. 4T0=before second round of intervention testing 2; T1 = just after second round of intervention testing 2; T2 = 6 months after second round of intervention testing