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Table 1 Exemplifying quotes for main concepts. Respondent and corresponding colour category in parentheses

From: Employees’ experiences of a large-scale implementation in a public care setting: a novel mixed-method approach to content analysis

A. Insufficient implementation process

“And also we have co-workers who came about a year ago who kind of haven’t even realized yet that we’re doing this.” (No. 3, red.)

“It becomes more so that everyone sits around and tries, you try to help, I try to help someone even though I don’t know myself. Eh it gets more like that”. (No. 4, yellow.)

B. Implementation as a process

“But even then clear routines are needed for how to do it. Then we may need to adapt them gradually when you notice that this does not work for the organisation. But when they have nothing at all when implementing for the entire habilitation services that’s a big shortcoming.” (No. 2, red.)

“Yes and a little bit how will it be here in our department how should we… uh you have to kind of break it down and see what is it that we are focusing on in this what should we concentrate on.” (No 7, yellow.)

“Eh I think it has felt like it has been… eh well thought-out and kind of step-by-step. Eh well thought-out so that it can so that it can kind of be of use for us eh who eh work in like the [computer] systems and with the programmes of care.” (No. 6, green.)

C. Prerequisites to implementation

“Eh and I think that’s kind of consistent with all the new processes here that uh you want people and you want to start things but you kind of underestimate the time”. (No. 1, red.)

“Eh and fo- for those who have had it a little easier to like switch to the new it has gone well but for those who think it’s a little more difficult it will be it still is really difficult because you remain in this thing you got from the beginning.” (No. 3, yellow.)

D. Organizational and social work environment

“Eh so for me it has probably become more of a eh nagging remorse because I know I should do it and some pressure also in that ah I should be able to manage and we did after all received this much information.” (No. 1, red.)

“And there are quite a few new things both- ah eh that have happened here recently […]. So I’m also thinking about like how much how many new things eh can eh our colleagues and we handle at the same time?” (No. 4, yellow.)

E. Outcomes of the new method

“Because I don’t think I can write about the motor ability* eh in a good way. Even if the patient says something about it.” (No. 4, red.)

“Eh and then eh in our department it has gotten a lot that you’ve sent a Messenger** then to others [asking] can you add to (laughter) the information collection template with your ongoing eh efforts and eh with information about what you know.” (No. 4, yellow.)

“But when we use it I think it’s good it facilitates and you have a better overview of the treatment efforts.” (No. 2, green.)

F. Management and leadership

“Eh because it becomes it feels like ah every department has been a bit left to themselves like do this. Or and that you’ve had to figure out like ah yourselves how to t- how to work in the department regarding implementing. And that feels I think not so good. And that it ah… Unclear.” (No. 5, red.)

“It’s always this when you have to sit with your calendar and prioritize because there is never anyone who will say like yes but the implementation work is more important than your scheduled patients, you should cancel on patients… So then you have to set the schedule in advance.” (No. 1, yellow.)

“Eh, well yes I feel that the support has been good eh in the sense that the planning has been distinct eh our manager has taken charge in that we should implement it as well.” (No. 6, green.)

H. Implementation activities

“But you would have needed in this too like ah but now now let’s take these few days and familiarize ourselves with this eh care plan and then you get another two days to review the patients you have and see what their care plans look like and work on them.” (No. 3, yellow.)

“Eh ah well both with these workshops and that we discussed it in both larger and smaller groups but also in like the workplace meetings and on an organizational day*** but it feels like it has been a procedure and a planning as well that has been clear I think.” (No. 6, green.)

I. Lack of fidelity

“Now it feels like there is a greater risk that if you don’t know exactly what to do with the information collection template then uh you do nothing at all.” (No. 1, red.)

“No, no so eh yes no but it’s again like I said eh so we’ve had these workshops bu- but not like hands-on now we work according to this but no.” (No. 7, yellow.)

K. Differences in the implementation process

“Ah, but also it feels in a way I feel sorry that uh it’s been so different at the departments”. (No. 5, red.)

“So now like what you said [No. 1] also about responsibility so both like who’s responsible for updating an- an- an- like in practice but also who’s responsible for the implementation can perhaps be a bit different in different departments. It sounds like in some cases it’s been the eh social workers who showed others eh in other cases it’s been maybe the manager who kind of announces what’s going on.” (No. 4, yellow.)

  1. Notes: Each concept shows an exemplifying quote from each of its main colour categories (red, yellow, and green). Some concepts did not contain all categories, hence shows only two examples
  2. *Reference to teamwork when respondent has difficulties describing the patient’s ability as it is not related to their own professional expertise
  3. **Encrypted message sent through the digital medical records system
  4. ***Recurring joint sessions for competency development within the organization