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Table 3 Overview of decision levers and associated assumptions/sources used in model

From: Contributing to health system resilience during pandemics via purchasing and supply strategies: an exploratory system dynamics approach

Decision levers


Switches for supply strategies

These variables determine whether a supply strategy is applied or not. Stockpiles are assumed to be always in place

Order buffers for supply strategies

Order buffers are applicable to supply strategies, excluding stockpiling PPE or ventilators. Order buffers determine to what extent a supply strategy is prioritized. Higher-order buffers trigger higher sizes in orders

Setup times for supply strategies

Setup times determine how quickly orders can be placed with a specific supply strategy. Setup times are not considered for stockpiles. More effective procurement and supplier frameworks can reduce the setup times for supply strategies

The effectiveness of innovative supply strategies

Decision levers in this category affects the impact of the supply strategy innovation. Levers in this category include, for instance, government support

The composition and operation of stockpile

Decision levers in this category focus on the logistics of the stockpile and its equipment

Operational levers

In the developed system, it is assumed that products are stored centrally before being delivered. These variables focus on the effectiveness of these processes

Levers affecting forecast and order point

Levers in this category include the forecast horizon and the threshold value to order PPE