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Table 4 Primary health providers’ practices on dementia diagnosis and treatment (n = 405)

From: Knowledge, attitudes and self-confidence with skills required for providing dementia care in physicians at primary healthcare settings in Vietnam





If you think that one of your patients might have dementia, do you:

Diagnose and manage their care yourself



Refer them to someone else for diagnosis and treatment



How would you make a diagnosis of dementia?

44 responses: clinical assessment, Mini mental state examination (MMSE), age group, symptoms of memory lost, sickness history, tests on memory and attention, observation, mental and psychological tests

What treatment

44 responses around:

- Traditional medicines

- Non-pharmacological treatment

- General treatment

- Focusing on behaviour

- Changing social life context

- Rehabilitation

- Physical exercises

- Attending social clubs

- Stress/depression treatment

Special medicines

What advices/instructions

44 responses around:

- Changing eating habits to more wheats, vegetables of Vitamin B group

- Changing attitudes on caring

- Social supports, encouragement

- Dementia information and caring information

- Social connectedness and encouragement of social interaction/communication

- Do not panic

- Be positive

- Paying more attention

Reducing triggers