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Table 3 Primary health providers’ self-confidence on their dementia care skills

From: Knowledge, attitudes and self-confidence with skills required for providing dementia care in physicians at primary healthcare settings in Vietnam


Number of physicians strongly disagree (n, %)

Number of physicians disagree (n, %)

Neither (n, %)

Number of physicians agree (n, %)

Number of physicians strongly agree (n, %)

Mean ± SD

I have sufficient skills to identify behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

13 (3.2)

78 (19.3)

182 (44.9)

127 (31.4)

5 (1.2)

3.1 (0.8)

I have sufficient skills to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

10 (2.5)

116 (28.6)

186 (45.9)

91 (22.5)

2 (0.5)

2.9 (0.8)

I have sufficient skills to distinguish between behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia and other behavioural disturbance not related to dementia

10 (2.5)

94 (23.2)

180 (44.4)

119 (29.4)

2 (0.5)

3.0 (0.8)

I believe that non-pharmacological interventions have a major role in the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

10 (2.5)

83 (20.5)

120 (29.6)

179 (44.2)

13 (3.2)

3.3 (0.9)