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Table 2 Concise version interview guide with exemplary questions

From: Characterizing food environments of hospitals and long-term care facilities in the Netherlands: a mixed methods approach



Physical dimension food environment:

organisation, facilities

How are the food and drinks organised, for health care receivers, staff and visitors? Which facilities are in place?

Social cultural dimension food environment:

attitude, culture, modelling, empowerment

How do health care receivers, staff, management board in the healthcare organization think about healthy and sustainable food and drinks? What are the norms, values, traditions concerning healthy and sustainable food and drinks? Nutritional needs health care receivers per type of care. Exemplary and modelling role of organization and staff. Empowerment of health care receivers, staff, visitors and external parties, e.g. caterers.

Political dimension food environment:

policy, rules, guidelines

Having a policy on food within the healthcare organization, or reason why not, content of the policy for health care receivers, visitors, staff, policy created by whom, specific content on healthy and sustainable food and drinks, use of guidelines, restrictions.

Economic dimension food environment:

profit and loss, price, in-house/outsourced, promotion

Economic considerations to sell/buy food and drinks and differences per facility, promotion of food and drinks,

price for food and drinks for health care receivers, visitors, staff