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Table 2 Categories and definitions of the hospital-community COVID-19 partnership model and strategy

From: “Access to healthcare is a human right”: a constructivist study exploring the impact and potential of a hospital-community partnered COVID-19 community response team for Toronto homeless services and congregate living settings

Category (focused coding)


Expanded COVID-19 Response Capacity

Assessing the hospital partner’s efficacy in supporting shelter to successfully respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Challenges Identifying and Managing Outbreaks

Shelter administrators’ concerns about navigating outbreaks through identification and management in in a congregate setting.

Barriers to the Vaccine Program

The ways in which the vaccine program was inaccessible for the shelter population and certain groups therein.


Immediate Shelter Needs

Current shelter/community-centred needs to be addressed.

Avenues for Intersectoral Relationship Strengthening

Long-term, systems-level opportunities where shelters, hospitals, and the general community can build stronger relationships.