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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the studies included in the systematic review

From: eHealth literacy among hospital health care providers: a systematic review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Participants and setting

Health care providers (e.g. nurses, physicians, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, clinical pharmacists, psychologist) who are working at a hospital (e.g. intensive care unit, general medical ward, outpatient).

Health care providers in primary care (e.g. general practitioner), students at entry-level (e.g. medical students, nursing students), caregivers, post graduating nursing students.


The included studies are assessing eHealth literacy as defined a priori;

- the ability to seek, find, understand, and appraise health information from electronic sources and apply the knowledge gained to address or solve a health problem.

- basic skills to process information, understand health and use eHealth technology.

- knowledge about the inner workings of the eHealth systems and having the skills to navigate it.

- access to digital services that work and digital services that suit individual needs.

The studies will be excluded it they do not explicit aim to assess eHealth literacy as defined a priori, such as;

- assess digital literacy and competence in general, not focusing on digital health solutions in a health context.

- assess outcomes not defined as eHealth literacy.


Original research of quantitative design: Cross-sectional design, longitudinal design, cohort design, single arm studies, quantitative results from mixed methods, randomized controlled trials.

Qualitative research, study protocols, different types of reviews, research letters, editorials, case studies, doctoral thesis, conference abstracts.


English, Scandinavian languages.

All other language.