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Table 4 Agreement by Impairment before and after Applying Three Non-Response Data Handling-Methods (N = 159,691)

From: Addressing non-response data for standardized post-acute functional items

  1. Abbreviation: MAR Missing at random, MNAR Missing not at random, SC Self-Care, MO Mobility, Trans Transfer, FIM Functional Independence Measure, MCMC Monte Carlo Markov Chains multiple imputations, FCS Fully Conditional Specification multiple imputations, CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  2. aCompared to the values before imputation, Blue: largely increase (change in weighted kappa >  = 0.3); Green: slightly increase (change in weighted kappa < 0.3); Yellow: slightly decrease (change in weighted kappa < 0.3)
  3. bThe imputed model included covariates of age, race, sex, Body Mass Index, regions, pre-hospital living setting, pre-inpatient rehabilitation facility living setting, discharge setting, the total length of IRF stay, the number of Elixhauser comorbidities, responded Section GG items, responded FIM items, and the non-response option. The imputed values were calculated by summing up values from twenty imputed datasets