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Table 1 Variables (code and description) of care for people with Tuberculosis and leprosy

From: Leprosy and tuberculosis control scenario of the national program for the improvement of access and quality of primary care in Brazil

II.12—PC relationship with other points of the Health Care Network

Which of these tests are requested by your team to be performed in the health services network? II.12.2.1a—Sputum smear microscopy for the diagnosis of tuberculosis; II.12.2.2a —Bacilloscopy for leprosy; II.12.2.10a —Chest X-ray—Tuberculosisa

II.20—Care for people with Tuberculosis II.20.1a —Does the primary care team have a record of the number of people with tuberculosis? II.20.2b—When there is a person diagnosed with Tuberculosis, the team. II.20.4—Generalc—Is the first Sputum smear microscopy for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis collected in the first approach/consultation? II.20.5—Generalc—Does the team notify people with tuberculosis diagnosed in the unit? II.20.6c—Does the team monitor the treatment directly observed from the user? II.20.7.1c—Respiratory symptoms; II.20.7.2c—contact person; II.20.7.4c—person lost to follow-up ( Treatment abandonment)- after a period of 30 days

II.21—Care for people with leprosy II.21.1a Does the primary care team have a record of the number of people with leprosy? II.21.2b When there is a person diagnosed with leprosy the team. II.21.3 – Generalc Does the team diagnose new cases of leprosy? II.21.5—Generalc Do you notify the leprosy diagnoses made in the unit? II.21.6c Does the team monitor a person referred to reference health services? II.21.7.1c Symptomatic (skin lesions); II.21.7.2 c contact person; II.21.7.4c Treatment abandonment

  1. aanswer: Yes and No
  2. banswer: Conduct consultation in the unit itself or Refers the person to the reference unit
  3. canswer: yes, no, not applicable