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Table 2 Summary of patient survey questions and topics

From: The SENTINEL study of differentiated service delivery models for HIV treatment in Malawi, South Africa, and Zambia: research protocol for a prospective cohort study

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics

Age, gender, nationality, marital/relationship status, housing, education, employment, household composition, economic status

Healthcare access and costs

History of healthcare use, time on ART, missed ART visits, comorbidity healthcare received at this facility, patient costs to access clinic, changes in healthcare access as a result of COVID

HIV treatment experience (conventional care)

Current and previous DSD model enrollment, time in model, numbers of on- and off-site interactions with healthcare system and time required per interaction; satisfaction with healthcare provided and clinic experience; concerns; knowledge of HIV and ART, and sources of information; and suggestions for improvement; experience, costs, satisfaction, and concerns with care

DSD model experience

Choice in enrollment, experience with models, numbers of interactions, time required for DSD model interactions and cost, information shared about models, reasons for switching models (if applicable), satisfaction and concerns with models, recommendations for model, suggestions for improvement, best and worst characteristics