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Table 2 Costs of professionals involved

From: Application of the time-driven activity-based costing methodology to a complex patient case management program in Portugal


Base salary for 35 h a week

Value considered

Data origin


Senior internist physician


Value of the average remuneration position of a Graduate Assistant, full-time 35 h, salary level of the single remuneration table (42 and 43);

Public Administration Remuneration System 2022 [20]


Junior internist physician

€ 2.110,78

Average remuneration of Assistant, full time of 35 h, salary level of the single remuneration table (32 and 33);

€ 15,08

General physician


Value of the average remuneration position of a Graduate Assistant, full-time 35 h, salary level of the single remuneration table (42 and 43);


Nurses (hospital, PCC, any level)

€ 1.997,60

Value of the average remuneration position of a non-specialist nurse, remuneration position 5, salary level of the single remuneration table (30);


Social worker


Value of the average pay scale for Higher Technician, pay grade 7, pay level of the single pay scale 35;


Operational assistant


Value of the average remuneration position for an Operational Assistant, remuneration position 4, salary level of the single remuneration table (4);


  1. PCC Primary care center