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Table 1 Triunfo Intervention Core Components

From: “Entre Nosotras: a qualitative study of a peer-led PrEP project for transgender latinas

General Clinic

La Clinica de la Raza is a Federally Qualified Health center located in Oakland, California. It provides a wide range of medical, dental, and behavioral health services to diverse and underserved Latinx communities, including low-income families, immigrants, and people experiencing homelessness.

Drop-in Clinic

The drop-in clinic was located on the urgent care floor of the clinic, specifically designated for gender-affirming delivery of care days. The clinic provided a private room, for gender-diverse patients to wait (should they choose to), anchored around a table, with chairs, and a bowl of condoms and lubricant. The private room allowed patients to engage in open dialogue with one another as they waited to be seen by the clinician.

Gender-affirming Clinician

The clinician was a well-known bilingual gender-affirming Family Nurse Practitioner with extensive expertise in both trans-specific and HIV care and had an excellent reputation for providing supportive patient-centered care to trans communities.

Patient Navigation

Two peer health educators (PHEs), who were well-known transgender women within the community, followed up with both new and existing patients to schedule their initial clinical and follow-up visits. The PHEs physically accompanied participants between clinical departments- registration, laboratory, and pharmacy- introducing them to the clinical staff in each department along the way. PHEs additionally conducted outside of clinic navigation, as needed, brining participants to legal appointments, supporting name change applications at Department of Motor Vehicles, and giving rides to other gender affirming services not offered through La Clinica.

Monthly Groups

The PHEs organized monthly groups centered on culturally informed themes or holidays for all transgender patients. Food was provided, and the first half hour was dedicated to socializing, followed by an icebreaker game, and a facilitated discussion about health and wellness.

Community Events

The PHEs organized larger culturally informed social events that focused on PrEP. These events included a PrEP Posada: a pageant show that advocated for PrEP within the transgender community, as well as pop-up photo booths and outreach events at Pride events. Additionally, larger outreach events were held to showcase the talents of participants at local Latinx nightclubs and bars.