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Table 2 Total public health expenditure in the first 6 months and 6 years of life

From: Incremental cost of premature birth – a public health care payer perspective from Hungary

Gestational age groups (weeks)

Number (proportion) of infants

Total public health expenditure (% of the total expenditure in the given period), thousand, Euro

In the first 6 months of life

In the 6 years of life

 ≤ 27

234 (0.25%)

3 751 (5.4%)

4 585 (3.2%)


938 (1.0%)

8 313 (11.9%)

9 991 (7.1%)


6 801 (7.3%)

14 690 (21.0%)

21 363 (15.1%)

premature ( ≤  36)

7 973 (8.6%)

26 753 (38.3%)

35 939 (25.4%)

 ≥ 37

85 151 (91.4%)

43 112 (61.7%)

105 548 (74.6%)


93 124

69 866

141 487

  1. The values indicate total public payer expenditures