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Table 1 Summary of CLAHRC/ARC NWC Social Prescribing projects included in the learning exchange workshop

From: Social prescribing practices and learning across the North West Coast region: essential elements and key challenges to implementing effective and sustainable social prescribing services


Target Population

Primary Discourse [14]



Service Model 

1 [24, 25]

Adults with low-level mental health needs


A 14-week supported intervention to reduce loneliness and social isolation

Approach: Mixed methods

Outcomes: Loneliness, isolation and wellbeing

Link worker plus (community connector and volunteer community champions)


Adults with experience of neurological trauma

Social determinants

Integrated multi-agency inpatient drop-in service set up to support the socioeconomic needs of patients

Approach: Mixed methods pre- and post- intervention evaluation

Outcomes: Stress and anxiety

Service hub

3 [8, 26, 27]

Adults experiencing and recovering from mental distress


Community hub-based service offering support to people with mental distress on their recovery journey

Approach: Mixed methods

Outcomes: Individual recovery and use of clinical services

Service hub and link worker

4 [28, 29]

Adults living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND)


Pilot project to identify community-based activities to support psychological wellbeing for people with MND

Approach: Qualitative

Outcomes: Participants’ experience of the project and their thoughts about whether and how community-based activities could benefit people living with MND

Link worker plus (link worker and occupational therapist)


Women aged 18 and over in early stages of pregnancy


Pilot project to improve access to services and psychological health and wellbeing. Comprised peer support plus leaflet about local resources

Approach: Mixed methods study comparing the intervention vs information leaflet only

Outcomes: Acceptability of the intervention, uptake of community and health resources, feelings of support, psychological health and wellbeing, feelings about their baby

Link worker plus (link worker and peer volunteers)


Young people aged 14 to 24 years with mental health difficulties


Integrated approach providing community-based social, psychological and health support for young people and their families

Approach: Mixed methods

Outcomes: Access, engagement and mental health of young people

Resource/service hub and link worker (information, advice and guidance worker)

7 [30]

Adults with health and debt problems

Social determinants

GP-practice based initiative to reduce non-medical presentations by providing debt advice

Approach: Quantitative Outcomes: Various, including income maximisation and self-reported wellbeing

Case worker (debt advice service)




Proposed intervention mapping social networks of service users using an online tool and linking them with individualised local resources

N/A – it was not possible to implement the proposed intervention

Link worker