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Table 4 Subgroup analysis exploring Hispanic ethnicity heterogeneity in the ACA policy impact on SNAP participation among low-income Medicare enrollees

From: Impact of the Affordable Care Act on participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program among low-income older Medicare beneficiaries


SNAP participation




β (SE)a


β (SE)a



0.021 (.004)

< .001

0.032 (.003)

< .001


0.006 (.014)


0.014 (.011)



− 0.035 (.006)

 < .001

 − 0.051 (.004)

< .001


− 0.005 (.034)


 − 0.115 (.014)

< .001


− 0.003 (.012)


 − 0.011 (.005)



0.015 (.035)


0.002 (.018)



0.015 (.014)


0.030 (.007)

 < .001

  1. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. Low-income status was determined at ≤ 138% of FPL
  2. Abbreviations. ACA Affordable Care Act, SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, β unstandardized beta coefficient, P p-value, SE standard error, FPL Federal Poverty Level
  3. aNewey-West autocorrelation adjusted standard error
  4. bThe coefficient of ‘Time’ indicates trend (or slope) in the probability of SNAP participation in the low-income younger group before interruption/intervention
  5. cThe coefficient of ‘Interruption’ shows the level change in the likelihood of SNAP participation right after the interruption/intervention in the low-income younger group
  6. dThe coefficient of ‘Time∙Interruption’ indicates the trend (or slope) change in the probability of SNAP participation after the interruption in the low-income younger group
  7. eThe coefficient of ‘Treatment’ shows the level difference in the probability of SNAP enrollment before the intervention between the low-income older Medicare group and the low-income younger group
  8. fThe coefficient of ‘Treatment∙Time’ indicates the trend (or slope) difference in the probability of SNAP participation before intervention between the low-income older Medicare group and the low-income younger group
  9. gThe coefficient of ‘Treatment∙Interruption’ shows the level difference in the probability of SNAP enrollment between the low-income older Medicare group and the low-income younger group
  10. hThe coefficient of ‘Treatment∙Interruption∙Time’ indicates the change in slope difference in the likelihood of SNAP participation between the low-income older Medicare group and the younger with low incomes