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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Ethnic minority women’s experiences of accessing antenatal care in high income European countries: a systematic review

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

1. Studies conducted in a high-income European country

2. Study participants included women from ethnic minority backgrounds

3. Aspects of accessing antenatal care explored

4. Qualitative or mixed-method data collected

5. Women’s perspectives reported in study findings

6. Studies published 2010–2021

Pre-determined exclusion criteria:

1. Studies conducted outside high-income European countries

2. Studies not published in English

3. Grey literature or studies published in non-peer reviewed journals

4. Studies reporting health professionals’, other professionals or father’s perspectives only

5. Studies focussed on access to antenatal care in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic

6. Studies published outside the search dates

7. Full text unavailable

Post-hoc exclusion criteria developed during abstract and article screening:

1. Studies focussed solely on other aspects of maternity care (such as birth)

2. Studies focussed on aspects of antenatal screening, including screening diagnosis

3. Studies focussed on antenatal illness or disease (such as diabetes), or indicators of disease

4. Studies focussed on antenatal nutrition