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Table 3 Behaviour Change Components for NASCENT

From: The Alberta Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Mother-Baby Care ImprovEmeNT (NASCENT) program: protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial of a hospital-level Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome rooming-in intervention

Practice change

Individuals, units, and hospitals

- Establish referral processes

- Admit NAS babies to rooming-in program instead of NICU

- Use ESC or other methods to minimize the use of pharmacological interventions

- Provide care for NAS babies and support mothers for longer period in hospital than usually provided for delivering mothers

- Support mothers and families in breastfeeding and caring for the baby while in hospital

- Ensure supports are in place in the community upon discharge

Culture change


- Health care providers provide trauma-informed care reflected as behaviours that support women to take care of their babies: e.g., listening, encouraging mothers, providing care with respect and compassion

- Individuals’ behaviours that are NOT based on stigma and bias

- Providing care that demonstrates cultural safety

- Optimal care, equity based for perinatal women using substances

- Health care providers provide hopeful care (supporting the patient’s goals and capacity to achieve their goals, and care providers’ belief in the possibility of the patient living their desired future)