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Table 4 Components of comprehensive pMTM Intervention

From: A coordinated approach for managing polypharmacy among children with medical complexity: rationale and design of the Pediatric Medication Therapy Management (pMTM) randomized controlled trial

Major Activity

Specific Components


Comprehensive review of medication regimen

1. Update medication list

10–15 min

2. Review patient/caregiver goals for each therapy

3. Confirm adherence or identify barriers to adherence (e.g., cost, taste aversion, difficult administration)

4. Review current effectiveness for any targeted symptoms or lab values

5. Identify therapeutic duplication and/or potentially unnecessary therapies

6. Review for potentially medication-attributable symptoms or adverse effects

Optimization of medication regimen

1. With caregiver, identify list of ongoing concerns – could be ADEs, symptoms perceived to be undertreated, less-than-ideal administration schedule. Prioritize this list according to (1) safety, (2) patient quality of life, (3) caregiver/family quality of life

10–15 min

2. Formulate plan for medication adjustment (e.g., dose optimization, schedule change, formulation change), discontinuation, or initiation to address above issues. May be list of medication changes today or a detailed plan for recommendations to take back to a subspecialist

3. Include expectations for both subjective monitoring and objective labs or tests (e.g., ECG) that will be necessary/recommended, with expected timeline

Creation of medication action plan

1. Caregiver-friendly medication list (directly populated from EHR)

5–10 min

2. Bulleted list of current changes (to make today) and planned changes

3. Plan for follow-up with pharmacist or another provider