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Table 2 Intervention characteristics

From: Effectiveness of system navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a systematic review




Who provided



When and how much



How well (Adherence/fidelity)

Boult 2013 [32, 53, 54]

Eight Guided Care services:

- Home-assessment of patients’ needs and goals

- Care planning

- Proactive monitoring

- Care coordination

- Transitional care

- SM coaching

- Caregiver support

- Access to community-based services

To combine effective chronic care interventions into a single delivery model for wide adoption within PC

RNs + 2–5 PC physicians trained in Guided Care model

1:1, telephone (participants), group (caregivers and participants)

PC, home

Duration: 32mos

Frequency: Individual care at least monthly; caregiver SM course 10 h over 6wks, monthly support group, ad-hoc calls

Care plan personalized to patient and caregiver preferences, priorities, and intentions



Burger 2019 [40]

Health coach facilitated communication with care team and promoted patient engagement to pursue provider-created care plans. Care plan, barriers and facilitators to goals were reviewed with patient, communicated to care team through daily huddles and electronic health record

PC physicians have limited time with patients. Including SM in patient care through health coaches may assist in more effective treatment for chronic conditions

Health coaches: Experienced medical assistants who completed a 16wk training course from local community college

1:1, telephone

Community health centre, PC clinic

Duration: 6mos

Frequency: Variable (Approx. 5–7 total sessions)




Carnes 2017 [47]

Meetings with SP coordinator and volunteer to develop and execute action plans, including goal setting and referrals to community organizations and services (e.g., exercise, cooking classes)

Commissioned pilot project to improve patient well-being and increase personal self-efficacy to reduce PC resource use

SP coordinators: Trained in social work, employed by a managing third sector organization

Volunteers: Trained by coordinator to assist in service delivery and provide patient support

1:1, in-person

PC centres

Duration: 8mos

Frequency: Up to 6 sessions with SP coordinators; unlimited volunteer contacts

Goals developed in collaboration with patient and SP coordinator


13.9% no contact with services; 69.2% single consultation only

Dolovich 2016 [33, 55]

Health TAPESTRY intervention:

- Home visit with trained volunteer pair to collect information on intervention-designed “TAP-app” on goals, daily life activities and general health

- Electronic report sent to clinical team

- Clinic team reviews reports and connects with interprofessional healthcare team and PC physician

- Care plan is collectively generated

Intervention developed to combine core elements of the Chronic Care Model (healthcare organization and leadership, linkage to community resources, client SM, coordination of delivery, clinical decision support and clinical information systems) into a coordinated approach to improve PC delivery and promote optimal aging

Lay-volunteers: Trained in 2 h in-person training session and ongoing online sessions

Clinical intake team comprised of various healthcare team members and PC physician at PC clinic


PC, home

Duration: 6mos

Frequency: Initial home visit with f/u ‘as needed’

Care plan tailored to individuals’ goals and needs



Dye 2018 [48]

Health coach provided education on SM skills, coordination of health care services and referrals, links to community resources, medication management, appointment scheduling and treatment reminders, transportation arrangements, and facilitated communication between client, caregiver, service providers and PC. Digital blood pressure, scales or glucose monitor based on client needs, and patient Personal Health Diary for symptom tracking. Diary reviewed on subsequent visits

Evidence suggests gaps in transition to home health care following hospitalization. Following the Chronic Care Model can help patients meet SM needs

RNs linked patients with health coach

Health coaches: Community members received 30 h training and must score ≥ 80% on knowledge test

1:1, in-person, telephone


Duration: 4mos


Approx/ 3.5 h/wk in mo 1; 3 h/wk in mo 2; 2.5 h/wk in mo 3; 2 h/wk in mo 4

Tailored to the needs of the client and/or caregivers



Franse 2018 [49]

Multidimensional health assessment of fall risk, polypharmacy, loneliness and frailty. Shared decision making to develop care plan and referral to care pathways to promote heathy aging, such as falls prevention (exercise, multifactorial programs), polypharmacy (self-monitoring, pharmaceutical care), loneliness (social activities/support), and frailty (medical management, exercise)

Integral, multidisciplinary conceptual model of frailty: physical, social and psychological components

Intervention co-designed based on current evidence and stakeholder input via intervention mapping

Care coordinator: Trained assistant supervised by PC physician, social worker, community nurse or geriatric nurse practitioner (depending on site)

1:1, in-person

Home or senior health centre

Duration: 12mos

Frequency: Variable

Tailored to preferences of older adults, results of the short-standardized assessment form, and pathways available

Age was lowered to ≥ 70 in 2 cities

Designed to use existing services, when limited/difficult to access new services developed


Kangovi 2016 [35, 56]

IMPaCT intervention consisted of goal setting with PC provider and connecting with a CHW for tailored coaching, social support, advocacy and navigation through 3 phases of action planning, tailored support and connection with long-term support

Intervention had previously been tested in hospitalized patients with positive effects and was then adapted to support outpatients with multiple chronic conditions

CHW from community organizations, underwent mo-long, college-accredited course and mentorship from a senior CHW

1:1, in-person, telephone, text

Home, community

Duration: 6mos

Frequency: At least 1x/wk (mean 38.4 h total)

Activities and resources tailored to patient goal


82% participants engaged in full 6mos

Mean 4.6 action plans/participant created

Kangovi 2018 [34]

CHWs developed action plan for goals set with PC physician, provided tailored coaching, social support, advocacy, and navigation to appropriate clinician for health education or clinical care. Long-term supports (e.g., neighbours, family, church, support groups) identified for post-intervention SM. Link Worker connects patient to relevant third-sector groups for f/u

As many clinicians are unable to address social issues, evidence suggests lay CHWs can perform various roles to support and improve chronic disease management

Lay CHWs with at least a high school diploma, undergo behavioural interviews and mo-long training. Supervised by a manager, typically master’s degree in social work, for ongoing support, training and clinical integration

1:1, in-person


Duration: 6mos

Frequency: Monthly

Tailored to each patient care plan, and relevant to each site using a structured approach


91% completed intervention

Mean 5.5 (SD 2.0) action plans per person

60.3% action plans completed

Kellezi 2019 [41]

SP pathway:

- Initial needs assessment with health coach

- SM or referral to link worker for connection with relevant third-sector groups

- Health coach and link worker regularly check patients’ progress

SP pathway implemented within GP practices to increase SM, improve health and reduce PC usage amongst individuals with chronic illness experiencing loneliness

Initial program referral from PC physician

Health coach: Unspecified health professional

Link worker: Unspecified community-based worker

1:1, in-person


Duration: 8wks,

Frequency: Initial meeting plus variable f/u based on patient needs

Tailored to patients’ needs



Loftus 2017 [42]

SP pathway: Home visit conducted to select programs (e.g., social clubs, Men's Shed, counselling, arts, falls prevention, exercises, crocheting, personal development, crafts, befriending, computer courses)

In the UK, all PC physicians are encouraged to consider SP, but many do not. This has the potential to decrease PC workload, but this has not been confirmed

PC physician referred to program

SP coordinator: Qualified social worker in community health care

1:1, in-person

Home, community

Duration: 12wks

Frequency: 1 home visit; frequency of programs variable



Mean 92 days from referral to starting SP activity

59% of patients did not join any programs

Loskutova 2016 [43]

PNs assessed patients’ needs, barriers, limitations, and stage of readiness to change with diabetes management, and offered support and encouragement to link to 2–3 appropriate community programs. Follow-up letters and reminders were used to encourage participation and monthly feedback reports were provided to PC and community programs

Evidence indicates that PN can improve health outcomes. Many of the services needed for diabetes care can be provided by community organizations and navigation could be provided by non-health workers via telephone

Referral from PC physician

2 × 0.5 FTE lay PNs: non-health professional community members familiar with local resources, backgrounds in community programming or research, underwent 2 × 1.5 h online training sessions

1:1, telephone, email, mail

Home, community

Duration: Variable (mean 120.4 ± 50.5 days, range 1–260)

Frequency: Variable (mean 6.1 calls/patient, range 2–15)


69.1% of calls successful

7.8% of patients never reached

Project manager participated in ongoing review and feedback sessions

Mayhew 2009 [44]

Integrated Care Coordination Service provides initial home assessment, ongoing follow-up, and coordination health and social care (e.g., home assistance, living arrangements, financial advice, referrals to health and social care provider in public, private, volunteer sector) based on identified needs

Many hospital admissions could be prevented by early treatment of social factors. This initiative aims to reduce costs through prevention

PC physicians, family/friend, or self-referral

Lay care coordinator (not described)

1:1, in-person


Duration: 3mos

Frequency: Initial in-home visit, unspecified number of f/u contacts

Tailored to patients’ needs



Mercer 2019 [36]

Link Worker Program

- Community links practitioner identifies patients’ needs

- Links to local community organizations (e.g., walking groups, finance, welfare, addiction support, socialization)

- Support to encourage attendance, if needed

- PC staff supported to set up referral systems

Drawing on a theory of community-based PC, patients in deprived areas often have multiple issues not amenable to medical intervention. Community organizations offer many resources but are inaccessible to many. Closer links between PC and community organizations may support better access

PC physicians and nurses refer

Community links practitioner: Experienced in community development and working with community organizations

1:1, in-person, some telephone

PC, home, community

Duration/Frequency: Variable; as many times and when necessary

Flexible and dependent on patient needs, wants and professional judgement



Pescheny 2019 [45, 57]

SP pathway:

- Assessment of patients’ non-medical needs

- Motivational interviewing

- Personalized support

- Link to non-medical support and referrals to third sector programs (e.g., finance, housing, employment, physical activity, gardening, social activities, stress management, creative activities)

- Re-assessment and exit interview

A biopsychosocial model is needed because of wider determinants of health, integration of care across professionals, and changing needs of populations

PC physicians refer to program

PNs: Non-clinicians employed in primary care practices, received targeted training to perform navigation and refer patients to third sector organizations



Duration: NR

Frequency: Variable (based on individual needs), approx. 12

Referred to services based on patients’ needs


70% lost to f/u or did not engage with SP service after initial assessment

Spoorenberg 2018 [37]

Embrace person-centred integrated care service, SM support and prevention including:

- Community meetings

- Links to local healthcare and welfare organizations (health maintenance, physical and social activity, diet)

- Individual support from a case-manager to develop care plan targeting health-related problems

Following the Chronic Care Model and a Population Health Management model (Kaiser Permanente Triangle) to support older adults to age in place through person-centered, integrated, proactive, and preventive support and care

PC physicians refer

Elder Care team includes PC physician, nursing home physician and two case managers (nurse and social worker), all take part in intensive training program

1:1 and group, in-person

Home and community

Duration: 12mos

Frequency: NR

Tailored to participants’ risk profile of robust, frail or complex needs



Taube 2018 [38]

- Assessment of lifestyle, functional and cognitive status, monitoring and evaluation, care coordination and encouragement of social activities

- General health system information and specific information to address participants’ needs and psychosocial aspects

- Continuity and safety

There is evidence that comprehensive case management can benefit a client’s perception of psychological support in terms of providing reassurance, feelings of security and social support

2 case managers: RN focused on health, medications, and psychosocial aspects; physical therapist focused on fall prevention and physical functioning

1:1, in-person, telephone


Duration: 12mos

Frequency: At least monthly

Based on patients’ care needs, goals of care

Pilot phase only include RN case manager, PT added


Tung 2020 [50]

CommunityRx intervention:

All participants receive a “HealtheRx” including location, hours, and fees for 2 resources closest to patient’s home

- Interventions focused on basic needs, physical and mental wellness, and disease management including smoking cessation, weight loss, and counseling based on an evidence-based algorithm

- Contact information for community health information specialist also provided

Most referral interventions rely on costly staff to implement such as case managers or CHWs, which can be difficult to implement within routine clinic workflow. An IT solution may reduce cost and healthcare burden

Nurse in ED or administrative staff in PC refer

Community health information specialist available (details not provided)



Duration: NR

Frequency: One time referral

Resource referrals individually tailored



Vanderboom 2014 [51, 59]

Community Connections Program:

- Initial strengths assessment including identification of priority needs and development of an action plan, crisis prevention plan, and circle of support

- Ongoing f/u provided to problem solve, strengthen supports and coordinate with community services

- Nurse care coordinator, patient and support person using “Wraparound” to coordinate the use of comprehensive community-based services

Based on the Chronic Care Model developed in response to widespread inefficiencies of chronic illness care and the need for a multi-faceted, evidence-based model. The Chronic Care Model proposes that effective partnerships between health and community providers are a key element to support patient SM

Nurse care coordinator. Training included strategies for conducting strengths assessments, identifying holistic care needs, and developing care plans to address concerns

1:1, in-person


Duration: 3mos

Frequency: Initial meeting, unspecified ongoing f/u

Plan of care tailored to patients’ needs



Wang 2015 [52]

PNs delivered patient-centered education about f/u care, appointment scheduling, assessing needs for specialist referral, identifying challenges to accessing healthcare and aiding to overcome challenges

Evidence of effectiveness of in-person and telephone-based PN in improving access to cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment in racial/ethnic minority populations. The role of the patient in chronic disease management is not well understood

3 lay PNs: community members trained by the healthcare team and completed CHW training program

1:1, primarily telephone, follow-up via letter or home outreach





Only 31% eligible reached by navigator, and 21% scheduled appointment

Woodall 2018 [46]

SP service: Well-being coordinators assess user needs, offer support, and provide advice on local groups and services (e.g., mental health and counselling, fitness classes, support for physical or emotional difficulties, finance advice and creative groups)

Despite suggestion that SP can reduce burden on PC services, evidence is lacking, and most current programs lack evaluative components or show mixed results

Wellbeing coordinator: Diverse ages, ethnicities, and professional experiences, understood working in marginalized communities

1:1, mostly telephone but in-person for complex cases


Duration: Mean 10wks (most < 16wks)

Frequency: Up to 6 sessions

Involvement of specific services/ programs tailored to participants’ needs



Zhang 2018 [39]

Older person-centred and integrated health management model, includes SM, individual health management, community health management (e.g., classes to encourage healthy behaviours), and family management

Few studies have investigated and evaluated effective interventions for multiple healthy lifestyle factors, but many have shown promising results

Community health service centre staff, multidisciplinary team

In-person, telephone, individual, group

Hospital or community centre

Duration: 24mos

Frequency: Once every 2mos, all participants were visited at 12 and 24mos

Individual interventions based on health assessment and counselling



  1. CHW community health worker, d day, ED emercengy department, f/u follow-up, GP general practitioner, hr hour, min minute, mo/s month(s), PC Primary care, PN patient navigator, SM self-management, SP social prescribing, wk week