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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for patient recruitment

From: Mind the gap: analysis of two pilot projects of a home telehealth service for persons with complex conditions in a Swedish hospital


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

For both pilot projects

- Patients who are judged to be able to participate in distance monitoring

- Patients who are judged to be able to benefit from distance monitoring (i.e., patients who have frequent contacts with healthcare)

- Patients whose participation in distance monitoring is not judged as potentially harmful for their health

- Fluency in Swedish (written and spoken)

- Own accommodation

- 18 years of age or older

- Cognitive impairment

- Impairment due to mental illness

- Obstructive hearing or visual impairment affecting the ability to participate in the distance monitoring

For COVID-19 patients

- Hospitalized due to COVID-19 infection

- Ready to be discharged

- Regular values for vital parameters (temperature: 36,1–37,9 °C, respiratory rate: 12–20 breaths/min, oxygenation: 93–100%, systolic blood pressure: 110–190 mmHg, heart rate: 50–100 beats/min)

- Up to 5 points on the Clinical Frailty Scale, ranging from 1 (no frailty) to 9 (highest possible frailty) [25]


For Heart Failure patients

- Confirmed heart failure

- Symptomatic heart failure regardless of cause (NYHA II-IV)

- Out-patients or discharged after being admitted to the hospital