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Table 2 Problems in the C-KMC unit and implemented solutions

From: Launching continuous kangaroo mother care through participatory action research in Iran

Problems brought up by nurses or physicians

Implemented solutions

Mothers and their companions failing to observe the hygiene regulations

‑ Provision of healthcare regulations

‑ Proper orientation of mothers and companions on infection prevention

Mothers failing to observe the rules on leaving the ward

‑ If the mother has to leave the ward for personal reasons, she should take the baby to the neonatal ward

‑ A mother in poor health is allowed to have a companion in the KMC room

Noise pollution (e.g. mothers speaking loudly)

‑ Mothers were informed about the impact of noise pollution on infants

‑ Cell phones had to be on mute and mothers were asked to speak slowly and keep their voices down

Interference with staff members while performing their tasks and duties (e.g. mothers making comments about the nursing procedures while staff were busy with their care)

‑ Mothers were asked to not to interfere with the nursing care

Interruption in care services due to the physicians’ visits to the mothers

‑ Advising the physicians on the issue

‑ Coordinating physicians’ visiting times to the KMC unit

Failure of nurses to respond timeously to mothers’ needs

‑ Reinforcing nurses’ awareness of the importance of responding to mothers’ requests and needs

Mothers’ concerns:

 ‑ fear of harming the infants during KMC

 ‑ fatigue due to lengthy care process

‑ Emphasizing the benefits of KMC

‑ Encouragement to provide KMC

‑ Regular monitoring of adherence during the first days of care

‑ Responding to mothers’ questions

Limited presence of fathers (once or twice) in the ward to assist with KMC

‑ Allowing fathers to be present when the ward is less crowded

‑ Providing privacy by means of a room divider (paravan)