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Table 1 Patient-centred care items included in the care experience survey

From: Factors that shape recurrent miscarriage care experiences: findings from a national survey

Patient-Centred Care Itemsa

Care experience survey items and responses

Care coordination

-Enough time to discuss [No, yes]

-Involved in decisions [No, yes]

-Treated with respect and dignity [No, yes always, yes sometimes]

-Confidence and trust in HCP [No, yes always, yes sometimes]

-One HCP said one thing, another said something different [often, sometimes, only once, never]

-HCP deliberately not telling them something [often, sometimes, only once never]b

-Staff in different places work well together [No, yes definitely, yes to some extent]

Information & support

-Given enough information [No, yes]c

-Given written information [No, yes]c

-If questions, did you get answers that you could understand [No, yes always, yes sometimes, I did not have the opportunity to ask questions, I did not need to ask questions]

-Who to contact if you had questions/concerns? [No, yes]

-HCP talk to about your worries and fears [No, yes]


-Rate the waiting area(s) & consultation area [Good, satisfactory, poor]

Involvement of family & friends

-Did anyone attend the appointments [No, yes, not facilitated due to covid]d

-Partner wanted to talk to a HCP [No, yes, I did not have a partner]

  1. aQuestions were asked for each stage of the RM care pathway (investigations, receiving results, treatment plan, subsequent pregnancy); brecoded to Yes/No; cnot asked for subsequent pregnancy; dnot asked for treatment plan