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Table 1 Topics covered in-depth interviews with facility staff

From: “Quality teaches you how to use water. It doesn’t provide a water pump”: a qualitative study of context and mechanisms of action in an Ethiopian quality improvement program

Interview topic

Example of content

The QI team and the learning sessions

- Structure and function of the QI team

- Who is selected to attend learning sessions and how

- Perceptions and experiences of the learning sessions

The mentors

- Role of mentors

- Perceptions of and experiences with the mentor

- Level of support received and its importance

The change ideas

- Selection of change ideas

- Implementation successes and challenges

- Any reluctance or resistance to implementation

Data and monitoring

- Monitoring of change ideas

- Challenges and successes in collecting and using data

The facility

- Communication, openness and leadership

- Team work

- Infrastructure and equipment

- Accountability, recognition and reward

- Any changes in the above related to QI