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Table 7 Thematic analysis: KS Acceptability (and intention) sub themes and indicative quotes

From: Clinician acceptability of an antibiotic prescribing knowledge support system for primary care: a mixed-method evaluation of features and context

1º Themes

KS Acceptability

2º Sub-themes


‘I am pleased and enthusiastic as it will be easier for me to give information to my patients …’

‘In principle it sounds like a good idea’


‘It is time, I mean we're … horrendously busy in GP practices.’

‘If the system works at an acceptable speed not much; inputting data and then waiting for the result when busy makes me impatient.’


‘I would feel safer’

‘Minimizing risks and giving as much information as possible is always a good thing. I feel that in the long run this will save time (not having to refer to others or make additional consultations that might take time, affecting the patient's wellbeing)'


‘Very confident’

‘Difficult to be confident at this stage but I very much hope so!’

‘More confidence and easy to access literature/ information that can support the decisions made’

Opportunity costs

‘The most that it'll take of us is time because if you're pressed for time with a 10 min consultation, even a few seconds, sometimes even half a minute can make the difference.’

‘I guess we would be giving up our ability as clinicians to know… relying on a tool instead of having the knowledge to make those judgements ourselves.’


‘A clearer message on what is trying to achieve. Its place in the prescribing of antibiotics, its relevance—are you looking to streamline NHSE antibiotic prescribing? Are you looking that all abx are reviewed after repeat courses? How are you monitoring inappropriate use?’

‘More training, and good reference guide.’

’Perceived effectiveness

‘If it's easy to use and pulls in the data for me, EMIS or system one and that you don't have to input loads of data yeah and it will be very effective.’

‘I feel that can be helpful for everyone. Especially for those patients that are on rescue packs of antibiotics that might end up not working. And to avoid errors in prescribing.’


‘Might be some teething problems like always with a new system but I feel it's worth trying.’

‘it's really easy to say 'oh I’m not going to bother to use this'

‘Happy to use’