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Table 2 Meaning units, sub-themes and main theme

From: Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: The eldercare personnel’s perspectives

Meaning unit


Main theme

We are one in each department, so I check [the cameras] where I am, but we also help each other when it’s needed. We can also check for each other, if you are working in a room and can’t leave, but the colleague knows it, so it’s… We help each other a lot.

IP 1

Easier to help each other

Improvements in the working environment at night

You can prioritize in a completely different way when you have cameras, because then you can see. If there are several bed alarms at the same time, for example, then you can see, ‘no, that was just the blanket, but there, Greta is up’. Then you can run to her, rather than to run and wake up the person where it was just the blanket and get him up too.

IP 1

Easier to prioritize


We don’t go into the room if we don’t have to, because there is a lot of banging on the doors, so we look at the camera.

IP 4

Easier to prioritize