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Table 2 Definition of patient engagement at the individual and organizational levels

From: How did healthcare professionals define patient engagement in quality management? A survey study

Where' or ‘on what’ engagement takes place

Individual level

Organizational level

What is engagement

The involvement of P/F in their care and in the decision-making process about their therapeutic plan

The involvement of P/F in contributing to hospital outcomes and objectives as a whole

How engagement is performed

In the communication process between patients and professionals

Through mechanisms involving P/F in all processes of the institution, from strategic planning to the design of new processes or improvement of existing processes, as well as active participation in institutional committees or commissions

Why engage

Involving patients in their care seems to improve the quality and safety process

To improve the patient experience, delivery of value for patients, and promote the continuous improvement of care processes

  1. Source: the authors. P/F patient and family