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Table 1 Validation measures for the models used for risk-adjustment.

From: Outlier identification and monitoring of institutional or clinician performance: an overview of statistical methods and application to national audit data

Risk Model (Dataset)

Calibration Slope (95% CI)

Calibration-in the large (95% CI)

C-statistic (95% CI)

Re-calibrated EuroSCORE (ACS data)

1.00 (0.95, 1.05)

0.00 (− 0.05, 0.05)

0.77 (0.762, 0.784)

BCIS model (PCI data)

1.08 (1.06, 1.09)

0.25 (0.23, 0.28)

0.87 (0.865, 0.874)