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Table 1 Definition and explanation of variables

From: Factors associated with patients’ mobility rates within the provinces of Iran



Definition and explanation

Data Source

Dependent variable

Intra-provincial patient mobility rate

The number of patients who left their cities to receive curative services in hospitals in other cities in the province [21]

Intra-provincial patient mobility index is calculated as follows:


Survey using HIS data of governmental hospitals in 349 cities in Iran

Independent variables

Distribution of hospital beds

The number of hospital beds in each city

Hospital beds in this study included all inpatient beds used for acute patients in governmental hospitals but did not include long-term care beds

A survey using the NEDA platforma was filled in all medical universities across the country

Distribution of specialist physicians

The number of specialist physicians in each city

A specialist physician is a medical school graduate who has completed advanced training in a specific field of medicine [22]

Coefficient of variation of health resources (CV)

The coefficient of variation of health resources indicates the degree of dispersion of resources around the mean. A higher coefficient of variation percentage indicates a greater maldistribution of resources in the country [23]. The index is calculated as follows:



Population density

The number of inhabitants per square kilometer which is calculated by dividing the population by the area of ​​the province [24]

Country Statistics Organization and statistical reports

Total health expenditure (THE)

Total health expenditures include all health sector expenditures, including costs of treatment, health, prevention, allied health, pharmaceutics, equipment, administration, infrastructure investment, health education, and research. THE is calculated as follows:


Total health expenditures and the share of out-of-pocket payments in Iranian provinces [25]

Human development index (HDI)

Human development index is a composite indicator that shows the impact of economic strategies on human living standards. HDI is calculated by three main factors of income, education, and health [26]

Provincial Human Development Index, a Guide for Efficiency Level Analysis: The Case of Iran [26]

Under-five mortality rate (U5MR)

Child mortality indices are principal indicators of population health and well-being. Under-five mortality is defined as the probability of a child born in a given year dying before reaching their fifth birthday and is expressed per 1000 live births [27]

Measuring Iran’s success in achieving Millennium Development Goals 4: a systematic analysis of under-5 mortality at national and subnational levels from 1990 to 2015 [28]

  1. aThe project team developed the NEDA platform to collect data on the number of active hospital beds and medical specialists, the number of patients admitted, and a matrix of patient mobility data in cities affiliated to each University of Medical Sciences.