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Table 1 Indicators used in the study to identify the most important actors

From: The analysis of National Health Accounts and financial communications network in Iran health insurance ecosystem

Indicator type



Macro indicators


The basic unit and constituent of a network (actors) [36]


Lines that connect two nodes, in which the links may have weight (importance, distance, etc.) in a network [36]


This index is defined as the ratio of the number of all available links to all possible links [31]

Micro indicators

Degree centrality

The number of links that connect a particular node to other nodes. [31]

Weighted degree centrality

When the links between the actors have weight, this index is obtained by multiplying the weight by the number of links that enter or exit a node [31]

Closeness centrality

The sum of geodetic paths between a node and any other node in the network [31]

Betweenness centrality

There are a number of other vertices that must pass through a particular node to reach their shortest [37]

Page rank

The page rank index is calculated based on the relationship of each node in its weighted activity diagram and its measurement is calculated recursively [38]

Clustering Coefficient

This indicator shows how the nodes are located next to their neighboring nodes [39]