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Table 2 OUD diagnosis and medication treatment at the clinic-level in the 2 years before randomization date

From: Baseline representativeness of patients in clinics enrolled in the PRimary care Opioid Use Disorders treatment (PROUD) trial: comparison of trial and non-trial clinics in the same health systems

Measures scaled per 10,000 primary care patients seen in the clinic in the 2 years prior to randomization

10 PROUD trial clinics

Mean (SD) across clinics

20 non-trial clinics

Mean (SD) across clinics

Mean difference (95% CI)

from mixed-effect linear model

Number of patients with:


 Documented OUD diagnosis

72.4 (42.1)

66.2 (33.4)

6.2 (− 14.7 to 27.1)

 Initiation of OUD treatment

8.3 (7.0)

6.1 (4.3)

2.2 (−1.6 to 6.0)

 Any OUD treatment

12.6 (9.5)

9.7 (6.6)

2.9 (−2.3 to 8.1)

Patient-years of OUD treatmenta

8.0 (5.2)

7.0 (5.4)

1.0 (−2.9 to 5.0)

Restricting to the sample of patients with at least 6 months of observation in study period, number of patients with:


 Documented OUD diagnosis

75.5 (45.9)

65.6 (35.7)

9.9 (−12.0 to 31.7)

  ≥80% of days covered by OUD treatmentb

3.5 (2.4)

3.1 (2.4)

0.3 (−1.5 to 2.1)

  ≥6 months covered by OUD treatmentc

6.3 (4.8)

5.0 (4.2)

1.4 (−1.4 to 4.1)

  1. OUD Opioid use disorder, SD standard deviation, XR-NTX extended-release injectable naltrexone
  2. aPrimary PROUD trial outcome
  3. bCalculated as percentage of days from first OUD medication treatment occurring ≥6 months before randomization date to enable ≥6 months of follow-up to be observed after the first documented treatment, smoothing over gaps ≤14 days between a buprenorphine end date and XR-NTX start date
  4. cCalculated treatment starting ≥6 months before randomization date, smoothing over gaps of ≤7 days or gaps of ≤14 days between a buprenorphine end date and XR-NTX start date