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Table 3 Summary of the views of caregivers and healthcare workers (HCWs) regarding the home environments of caregivers

From: ‘They said, let’s teach you how you are going to care for the child at home…’: caregivers’ and healthcare worker’s perceptions and experiences of post-discharge preterm care in eastern Uganda





‘Sometimes it could rain …Then sometimes in the morning it was very cold…So it was a challenge to me.’ – IDI.M.5

‘The only challenge is, er, those you can’t control, you know like its rainy season’ – IDI.HCW2.1


It is not so clean, and it has a high population. Whenever I go out, many children gather, and they come to touch him, and it doesn’t make me happy.‘ – IDI.M.6

‘In the environment where she stays there is so many people so whenever she takes the baby out, they say everyone comes around.’ – IDI.HCW1.1


‘… and mosquitos are very many in the area’ – IDI.M.6

‘At least your home is ok, because you will keep your baby in the bedroom, nobody will come there anyhow. That’s the advantage of it.’ - IDI.HCW3.1


‘The challenge there are some stubborn visitors who will just forcefully come to see them.’ – IDI.M.5



If there is no power, you can improvise using a charcoal stove, trying to cause some heat for the baby.’ - IDI.M.4